Hindenburg Research target again at Adani and also SEBI | just lighting the bulb slowly at post Images

Hinderburg Research post image shows that now they are lighting the light bulb

Hindenburg Research past and current image shows that now they are lighting the bulb If Hindenburg Research is using an image of lighting a light bulb, it could carry symbolic significance. Lighting a bulb typically signifies: Illumination or Revelation: It could suggest that they are about to shed light on new information or expose hidden Read more: Hindenburg Research target again at Adani and also SEBI | just lighting the bulb slowly at post Images..

Sebi proposes relaxations for investment advisors and research analysts rules

Sebi proposes relaxations for investment advisors and research analysts rules

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has proposed significant relaxations to the regulations governing investment advisors (IAs) and research analysts (RAs) in India. By easing the regulatory burden, SEBI aims to encourage more individuals to become registered IAs and RAs, thereby increasing the pool of qualified professionals in the market. The changes aim Read more: Sebi proposes relaxations for investment advisors and research analysts rules..

SEBI’s proposed F&O curbs have raised concerns about risk of increase in dabba trading

SEBI's proposed F&O curbs and risk of increasing dabba trading

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has recently proposed certain curbs on the derivatives market (F&O) in an attempt to reduce speculative trading and protect retail investors. However, these proposed measures have raised concerns about a potential increase in dabba trading. Dabba trading is an illegal and unregulated form of trading where trades Read more: SEBI’s proposed F&O curbs have raised concerns about risk of increase in dabba trading..