Stock Market Manipulation: There’s growing concern that the Indian government, including its IT department, may not be effectively addressing stock market manipulation. This could be due to leadership deficiencies and the overall state of government institutions. Many government domains in India are plagued by inefficiency, and even the current administration, which promotes technology, seems to be lagging behind. Even key ministers may not have a deep understanding of the internet or be aware of the individuals who manage their IT cells
To the Respected PM, its Ur digital India, please check and take action on the team….
GoI Promoting Stocks!
The GOI web site promoting a stock…. now its time when even a PM or HM gives their analysis on how to trade. The following them major Government websites indirectly promoting the same,…… Hahaha.. shame on tech persons associated with GOI and major shame for You know better…………. check the Images.. and url.. below:
The first Image of Live GoI controlled web:

Now its time to Show the Officials :

Why we marked red flag over this and consider this as breach of position of trust
The “” extension is specifically used for websites of the Indian government.
.gov: This part indicates that the website belongs to a government entity. It’s a common designation used by many countries to distinguish government websites from private ones.
.in: This is the country code Top-Level Domain (ccTLD) for India. It helps identify websites originating from India.
So, whenever you see a website address ending in “,” anyone can be sure it’s an official website of the Indian government.
The question is what’s the need of a Indian government owned and controlled domain to participate in stock market. Mind it The Ministry of Ayush was formed on the 9th of November 2014 with roles in healthcare stuff aka medicine / Homoeopathy / Ayurveda / Yoga / Naturopathy, /Unani / Siddha. How this is suppose to have any link with wind and solar energy company like suzlon. Clear clear gimmick..
Why we publish it?
We are writing to express serious concerns about potential stock manipulation occurring on government websites with the “” domain. We have identified instances where these websites appear to be indirectly promoting suzlon share price.
This situation creates a significant breach of trust, as citizens rely on information published on “” domains to be official and unbiased.
This issue is of significant public interest, as it can potentially lead to financial losses for unsuspecting investors who trust information on government websites. We believe swift action is crucial to protect citizens and ensure the integrity of government communications.
Where is SEBI in these issues?
Might SEBI is with all the kings of Market… rest soon coming with more scandate that’s now A major issues have I have the live updated for that….!
Rest first on this issue lets see what GoI response….